Fighting school drop-out: MINESEC bans the exclusion of pregnant girls from schools

The Minister of Secondary Education has just signed Circular No. 02/22/C/MINESEC / CAB of 22 April 2022 on the management of cases of student pregnancy in public and private secondary schools. It states that it instructs the entire administrative and pedagogical chain to “allow, where appropriate, a student duly recognised as pregnant to continue school activities until the 26th week of pregnancy, at which time she may request to be placed on maternity leave”. It prescribes that the same measures be applied to the student responsible for the pregnancy.
Given the effect of peer groups, conformity and complacency on adolescents and preadolescents, this measure is not very well received by teachers in the field. Some are even wondering why they should continue to exclude drug smokers and other juvenile delinquents and criminals, since they say they are just as much in need of protection against “school wastage, which runs counter to the government’s policy of keeping all pupils in school without discrimination and combating the exclusion of vulnerable social groups”. This is the reason given in the circular to justify the new educational direction taken by MINESEC.

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